Free and anonymous consultation for women, men and transgender people doing sex work
Free and anonymous consultation for women, men and transgender people doing sex work
You can come to us for:
- Testing for STIs, HIV and pregnancy
- Treatment of STIs
- Hepatitis B vaccinations (free)
- Contraception
- Work-related questions
- Sex-related questions
When should I get tested?
If you work in the sex industry, make regular appointments for an STI test. The tests are free and anonymous. You reduce the risks of contracting an STI by always using a condom, but condoms can break. You should also get tested if you have symptoms or have been warned.
We recommend getting tested for STIs at least twice a year. You can also come to the GGD for a free Hepatitis B vaccination and questions related to contraception, (unwanted) pregnancy (including testing), treatment, work-related issues and sexuality (e.g. pain during sex, separation private/work, safe sex, other).
Drop in at the walk-in clinic without an appointment
We have a walk-in consultation hour at our location on the Mien Ruysweg in Assen. This consultation hour is held every two weeks on a Thursday (in the even weeks) from 16:00 to 17:00. You are welcome without an appointment.
Consultation hour dates 2025
- 23 January
- 6 and 20 February
- 6 and 20 March
- 3 and 17 April
- 1 and 15 May
- 12 and 26 June
- 10 and 24 July
- 7 and 21 August
- 4 and 18 September
- 2, 16 and 30 October
- 13 and 27 November
- 11 December
- 8 January 2026
You can also make an appointment
Our consultation hours by appointment are currently on Monday mornings in Emmen and Wednesday mornings in Assen.
To make an appointment for these consultation hours, please call Sense Noord Nederland at 0900-7367366. They can be reached every workday from between 10:00 and 12:00. They will make sure you are scheduled for the consultation hour with us.
- The location in Emmen: Boerkemaweg 60, in the Treant Hospital.
- The location in Assen: Mien Ruysweg 1, GGD location at the fire department.
I prefer to test at home, is that possible?
If you don't want to or can't go to the GP or GGD, do a reliable STI home test. You can get these from: